Google Search Techniques
Efficient techniques for performing Google searches, including the use of tabs, quotes, hyphens, colons, asterisks, mathematical operations, number ranges, shortcuts, file type search, and unit conversions.
Using the Tabs
- Simplify your searches by using tabs to narrow down your results. For instance, you can specifically search for images, news, or books.
Python News
CSS Images
JavaScript Books
Using Quotes for Exact Search
- Use quotes to find exact matches of phrases or sentences.
"Climate Change Effects"
"The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald"
"Photosynthesis Process"
Using Hyphen to Exclude Words
- Use a hyphen before a word to exclude it from your search.
Lion -King
Python -Snake
Mercury -Planet
Searching Within a Specific Site
- Use a colon followed by a site name to search within that specific site.
Machine Learning
Global Warming
COVID-19 Vaccination
Using the Asterisk Wildcard
- Use an asterisk as a placeholder for unknown or wildcard terms.
Be the _ you wish to see in the _
A _ saved is a _ earned
Using Google Search for Math
- Perform mathematical operations directly in the search bar.
100 / 5
sin(30 degrees)
Searching a Range of Numbers
- Use two dots between numbers to search within a range of numbers.
Samsung TV 32..65
Laptop $500..$1000
Calories in burger 300..500
Using Shortcuts for Instant Results
- Use shortcut commands for quick results.
Time in Tokyo
Weather New York
Saudi Riyal to USD
Searching for a Specific File Type
- Search for a specific file type by using ‘filetype:’ followed by the file extension.
Global Warming filetype:pdf
Machine Learning filetype:ppt
Budget Planning filetype:xls
Money and Unit Conversions
- Use Google search for quick conversions between different units or currencies.
5km to miles
100 USD to EUR
50 Celsius to Fahrenheit